Kota notes ( Chemistry )

Kota chemistry notes

Chemistry ✍ Handwritten notes 📘
1. Mole concept

2. Atomic Structure

3. Periodic Table

4. Chemical Bonding

5. Gaseous state

6. Thermodynamics and thermochemistry

7. Chemical Equilibrium

8. Ionic Equilibrium

9. S block elements

10. Boron and carbon family

11. Redox Reaction

12. P block group – 15,  16, 17, 18

13. D & f block elements

14. Coordination Compounds

15. IUPAC Nomenclature

16. Isomerism

17. GOC I

18. GOC II

19. Chemical Kinetics

20. Electrochemistry

21. Solutions

22. Hydrocarbons

23. Halogen Derivatives

24. Alcohol, Phenol & Ether

25. Aldehyde and Ketone

26. N – containing compounds

27. Solid State

28. Important organic conversions

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