NTA has released the Admit Card for the JEE Main 2021 exam. If you are sitting in JEE Main exam then you can download the admit card from the official website of NTA i.e. jeemain.nta.nic.in.
You can download admit card from below given link 👇👇
For downloading their admit cards, the candidates must log in first by using their login credentials: their Application Number of JEE Main 2021 or their DOB and the password they have created.
Some highlights of the JEE Main 2021 Admit Card are as follows-
- The admit card that NTA will release will be applicable only for February 2021.
- The details related to the day of the exam and the session for a particular candidate will be present on the admit card.
- The candidates must take a print out of the admit card, as they must carry their admit card to the exam center on the exam day.
- Admit card’s any duplicate copy will not be issued by the authorities under any circumstances.
- The candidates who will appear for the exam of other sessions also must keep their admit card very safe as it will be needed later.
- Various important instructions will also be present in the JEE Main 2021 Admit Card, which will be required by the candidates to be followed strictly.